On Android smartphones, tap and hold the text, then choose Bold, Italic, or More.
#Testview android how to#
How to set TextView textStyle such as bold, italic. If you want to change the colour and style of your WhatsApp chat text then follow the steps below. fromHtml() method to make text bold when displayed in TextView. Tap-and-hold (Android) or double-tap (iOS) a word to reveal a formatting menu.

WhatsApp is one of the fastest-growing apps that provides unlimited connectivity to its users. Text Converter Settings and Customization. Here’s how to do it: For bold, just add * to either side of the text you want emphasized/thickened e. Open the Whatsapp Messenger app on your smartphone. Click to see instructions for your operating system: Android Windows iOS MacOS For Android: Rules. For your Basically, all you need to do is add an underscore (_) on either side of the word or phrase you wish to have in bold. To type in bold in WhatsApp just insert asteririst (star *) at the starting and end of the word, a sentence, or a paragraph. Get salary negotiation help or your resume reviewed by the real experts - recruiters who do it daily. Aphow to bold text on android whatsappcountry music posterscountry music posters How to make text bold on WhatsApp To make a text bold, you would like to put an asterisk (*) on each side of the text. To do so, add an asterisk (*) before and after the message. Android: Tap and hold the text you're entering in the text field, then choose Bold, Italic, or More. Step-3 Click on Message Box: Next go to the message box. For example, if you you type Tech Arena24 as *Tech Arena24* on WhatsApp, it become bold On Android, it'll even turn bold before you hit send. Read Also: Operate Your Android phone from Computer, PC or Laptop How to Write in bold, italics and strikethrough text on WhatsApp. It will make that particular text or sentence bolder. Tap on the three vertical dots in the upper right.